Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Crayon By Number


Just like paint by numbers but using crayons. Convert YOUR PHOTO to a crayon by number drawing. Learn fundamental art techniques with this childrens arts and crafts kit. Ages pre-teen and up.

The free ones are a collection of CrayonByNumbers created of 15th to 19th century works.
Two CrayonByNumbers were generated of each painting - Complex and Easy.
Click in the appropriate column based upon the capabilities of the Crayon-Artist.
You will need a box of CRAYOLA (96 Crayons) for each of these projects. Cost to download is $9.95.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Free Printables and Coloring Pages

A Parent's Guide to Early Brain Development
Brain Facts is part of the I Am Your Child public engagement campaign. Like all of the Campaign's activities, its aim is to raise public awareness about the importance of the first three years of life. Brain Facts suggests how recent findings by scientists affect you and your children. It puts these findings into a broader context and addresses some of the questions you may have about your child's early development. Every important parent, teacher or caregiver has the potential to help shape a young child's future. For information on Early Brain Development CLICK-HERE